Release notes

With Link Maker, our goal is to constantly progress and improve our services through assessment and customer feedback. Through our releases we unveil new features, implement enhancements and fix any bugs that might be lurking. Below you will find our recent releases and developments.

Release 3.0.0

Release date: September 28th 2023

Link Maker Platform

  • Implemented changes to the Link Maker infrastructure in order to enable auto-scaling, allow us to scale our servers to meet demand, improving the overall user-experience.
  • Implemented improvements to the process for uploading, transcoding, and encrypting media on the platform to increase performance.

Release 2.13.0

Release date: July 10th 2023

Link Maker

All users

• Fixed an issue where profile videos were not playing.


  •  Fixed a bug where managers could unassign the practitioners on a sibling-group case when they were the only practitioner assigned.
  • Implemented a change, so that a case can only be made inactive if all the profiles on a case have been deleted.
  • Fixed a error where families were receiving message notifications for communications sent in a pre-enquiry message.
  • Fixed an error where dependant fields where not displaying on the family sougnt page on sibling-groups profiles.
  • Fixed an error viewing the activity page for some sibling-group cases.
  • Fixed an error assigning practitioners to a case.

Letter Swap

All users

• Added functionality to allow users up upload video and record voice messages within a letterbox.

Team members

• Fixed a bug where resending invitations to adoptive or birth family members did not result in an email being sent.

Release 2.12.0

Release date: June 1st 2023

Link Maker 

  • Fixed a bug where verified users could not join a video room.

Release 2.11.0

Release date: March 30th 2023

Link Maker

All Practitioners
  • Fixed an error that occurred when trying to confirm a match for a sibling-group when the family case had already been deleted. 
  • Fixed an error where the headers were not aligned on profile data exports. 
  • Fixed an error showing in the side bar of the Adoption sufficiency statistics page.
Practitioners at ARW
  •  Fixed a bug where the translations required flag was not being updated in the family members section or on the Health and Development section. 
  • Implemented a changed where profiles of adopters where a translations is still required do not appear in search pages.

Letter Swap

  • Functionality introduced to be able to record case notes and documents against a Letter Swap case
  • Fixed an error that occurred when assigning another practitioner to a case.

Release 2.10.1

Release date: March 17th 2023

Link Maker

All users
  • Fixed a bug where there was an error when viewing family profiles
Practitioners involved in adoption
  • Fixed a bug where you were not able to decrypt uploaded case documents.

Release 2.10.0

Release date: March 17th 2023

Link Maker

All users
  • Fixed a bug where when uploading images and video with a file type that was in capitals i.e., *.JPG, *.MOV resulted in an error.
Practitioners involved in adoption
  • Implemented an increased character limit on the ‘Child wish’s’ field for sibling group adoption profiles.
  • Introduced a count for incoming, outgoing, and active enquiries that is now available in profile data exports for all profiles that are ‘Live on the system now’ Practitioners involved in adoption
  • Fixed a bug where practitioners were not able to show interest in a profile without an existing profile.
Adoption UK
  • Fixed a bug where public users were shown an error message when trying to search forums
  • Updated the address for Adoption UK

Letter Swap

Team members
  • Implemented enhancements to the document header on downloaded documents to ensure that only the recipient’s information is shown on the header.
  • Removed the header information shown on downloaded documents

Release 2.7.0

Release date: January 24th 2023

Practitioners involved in adoption

  • Fixed an issue on the Performance statistics 3 Month trend graph where 0% was not showing on the graph.
  • Fixed a bug in the Usage report where the family-makeup graph was not reporting correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where inviting adopters resulted in the blue wait timer.
  • Fixed a bug where the confirmation banner for when an adopter connects a practitioner to the case was not showing.

 AUK users

  • Fixed a bug where users where not able to delete their community profile.
  • Fixed a bug where full community users where not able to instigate a chat.

Release 2.6.0

Release date: December 12th 2022

Practitioners involved in adoption

  • Fixed a bug where loading the family alerts page errored
  • Fixed a bug there the number of photos and videos were not showing on a sibling group profile data export.

AUK users

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from uploading a community profile.
  • Fixed an error when deleting a forum post.

Release 2.3.0

Release date: October 17th 2022

All users

  • Fixed a bug where ‘placeholder’ was appearing in replacement of ‘Please select’ on drop down selects.
  • Fixed a bug where the file type for video uploads were case sensitive.
  • Fixed a bug on adopter profiles where details entered under current household were not displayed on the profile view. Fixed a bug where the familiar device cookie was not generating
  • Implemented enhancements to the session cookies.

Practitioners involved in adoption

  • Fixed a bug where when a user had not logged in, the last login date was displayed as today’s date on Admin, Manage accounts.
  • Fixed a bug on advanced searches for adopters where various filters were not working. Adopters
  • Fixed a bug where adopters who were not yet verified were not able to view profile and videos uploaded to their profile.

Release 1.26.0

Release date: June 6th 2022

All users

  • Implemented a new PDF/document viewer which allows users to search and scroll the full document
  • Catered for online events by ensuring that all event address fields are optional
  • Fixed a bug removing the formatting from event descriptions

Practitioners involved in adoption

  • Added functionality to profile data exports that allows exports to be generated with child /family identifiers. In addition have improved have decreased the generation time of the reports and fixed various bugs
  • Improved the ‘Ethnicity’ data shown on the usage & match reports
  • Improved the copy on the ‘Contact’ section on profiles
  • Reduced the restriction on lowering child profile availability time from 48 hours to 24 hours
  • Fixed incorrect copy on the ‘Interest shown’ enquiry item within discussions
  • Fixed an error being thrown when deleting a child profile
  • Fixed an issue restricting users from setting certain cases as inactive
  • Fixed an issue restricting users from generating the ‘Adopter activity report’ for cases without an active profile • Fixed an issue allowing users to edit the panel date of an approved adopter
  • Fixed an error being thrown when attempting to add or remove documents from the ‘Organisation summary’ page
  • Fixed an issue with notification emails not being sent to family practitioners when the family have sent a message (within a discussion) to their own, and the child’s, organisation


  • Improved the copy on the ‘Contact’ section on profiles
  • Fixed incorrect copy on the ‘Interest shown’ enquiry item within discussions
  • Fixed an issue allowing users to edit the panel date of an approved adopter